Sports Day 2023

Today we had our annual sports day. The children from Potter class all tried their very best and were great team players. We started off with a carousel of running, jumping and throwing activities where the children cheered for their coloured houses.

We then began our races. The children competed in running races and a beanbag race before our final race which was the relay. A huge well done to the Bovisand house who won this years sports day!

Local Studies Week 2023

This week Potter class have had a busy week exploring our coastlines as part of our local studies week. We started our week with a special assembly from the RNLI who taught us all about water safety. The children all received a passport reminding them of the 4 important rules to follow when near water.

On Wednesday we visited Wembury Beach and the children had the chance to go on a rock pool safari and a beach scavenger hunt. The children discovered many small sea creatures in the rock pools and had the opportunity to look at them up close. We discovered many baby shore crabs as well as hundreds of sea anemones. The children also had fun making sandcastle cities in the sand. Some children even created roads linking their cities together.

Later in the week we took part in a local Art competition where the themes this year was ‘Life in and on the river’. The children all drew their own pictures of the river and then used oil pastels to add some colour. They produced some great pieces of work for the competition. Fingers crossed for our budding artists!